NHMK Anime Reviews
Critical Note: These reviews comes from decades of anime viewing. My own tastes and tolerances have changed dramatically over time. There are definitely some ratings that I would change now. Most are based on my reaction close to the time of viewing.
The color key is as follows:
- Enjoyable anime... probably not a regretable purchase.
- Borderline bad/tolerable anime... but it's like a trainwreck... probably don't want to buy this without watching it first.
- Pretty bad anime. Watch with caution and definitely do not buy these without first seeing them!
- Mental Self-Mutilation. If someone even asks you to watch this, question their motives. Avoid this at all costs.
- Anime that deserves special attention as it crosses the fine line between garbage and greatness.
* - An anime I have not seen completely for whatever reason.
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